We partnered with select colleges and universities
About VetLink
Service to School has partnered with select colleges and universities to form VetLink, a network of schools committed to expanding access and opportunity for student veterans. Our partner colleges are widely known for academic excellence, aspiring students, leading-edge research, and high graduation rates.
Service to School works with our partner colleges to create awareness of how a veteran’s military service has prepared them for success in academia. This one-of-a-kind collaboration between Service to School and our partner colleges unifies the respective strengths of each to serve student veterans more effectively than either could alone.
Aside from Service to School’s normal mentorship service, students are encouraged to use their VetLink program. Service to School VetLink applicants not only work one on one with a mentor, but they also work with a S2S staff member who guides them throughout the entire application process, and directly connects them with the admissions teams at their partner universities. This enables the student to better prepare their application, and each school receives supplemental information on the veteran student which highly increases the student’s chance of being accepted.

Want to use VetLink?
Gain access to top-tier education programs reserved for military veterans.
Undergraduate Program
Become A VetLink Partner!
VetLink brings together high-achieving student veterans and select colleges and universities.