Charlotte Levine – From Army Armor Officer to Harvard Business School

Tell us about yourself, Charlotte!

Hometown: Newton, MA

What is your anticipated school and intended major? MBA at Harvard Business School, Class of 2024

Fun Fact About Yourself: I have summitted 24 of the 58 peaks in Colorado over 14,000ft and plan on bagging the rest before I start my MBA program.

What did you do in the military: Armor Officer

What was your proudest accomplishment in the military? I served as one of the first female armor officers in the U.S. Army and integrated previously all male tank crews

What was the biggest benefit to using Service to School throughout the application process? S2S provides support every step of the application process. Veterans are unique candidates. The S2S MBA application guides consolidates all the information you need to get started in the process and tailors it to the veteran applicant. S2S mentors get it. They went through this process themselves and understand how to translate military experience to admissions success.

How has the transition been from the military to civilian life? I’ve been blown away with the number of opportunities available to veterans. S2S helps you translate your military experience. Once you figure out how to tell your story in a cogent way, the challenge becomes not finding opportunities but deciding between the multitude of opportunities available to you.

What are you most excited about in regards to starting school? What’s your favorite part about the school you chose to matriculate at? I received an incredible amount of support throughout my application journey. I’m excited to pay that support forward and help other veterans find similar application success.

What are your goals post-graduation? Immediately following my MBA I plan to pursue management consulting to gain exposure across roles and industries. Long term, I hope to become a leader in the outdoor retail industry.

Charlotte’s advice for veterans who are applying to college

Start early, ask for help, and don’t self select out of any program. 

My S2S mentor was critical to my admissions success. She helped me understand the nuanced differences between programs, translate my military experience into a cogent narrative, and kept me accountable through weekly check-ins. S2S’s peer-to-peer mentorship goes beyond just the application process. My mentor helped me navigate pre-MBA internship opportunities, coached me through how to network, connected me with professionals in the industries I am interested in, and serves as an example of the strengths veterans bring to any environment. She became not just a mentor but a friend that I will continue to lean on for support and inspiration as I pivot away from active duty service.

Congrats again Charlotte on your acceptance to Harvard Business School!



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