Michael Carroll – From Marine Engineer to University of Arizona

Tell us about yourself, Michael!Hometown: Simi Valley, CA

What is your anticipated school and intended major? Management Information Systems/ Arabic Flagship at University of Arizona Class of 2025

Fun Fact About Yourself: I can juggle.

What did you do in the military: Marine EngineerWhat was your proudest accomplishment in the military? Being able to inspire my Marines to do better for themselves and to take advantage of all their benefits.

What was the biggest benefit to using Service to School throughout the application process? I gained a lifelong mentor who I’m proud to call a friend. Peer-to-Peer Mentorship has allowed me to see my journey from a different perspective, and to understand better what I must do to be the best version of myself. I absolutely believe that everyone should have a mentor, or be a mentor themself.

How has the transition been from the military to civilian life? It’s been difficult, but the more I reach out for help and keep staying busy, the more comfortable I become.

What are you most excited about in regards to starting school? What’s your favorite part about the school you chose to matriculate at? Being surrounded by like-minded people. I’m excited to travel to somewhere new and become immersed in the academic environment the school will provide. My favorite part is the Arabic Flagship program, where I will be taught the language to a professional level of fluency.

What are your goals post-graduation? To become a consultant and operate my own business.

Michael’s advice for veterans who are applying to college

Take advantage of everything you can, and never stop improving on yourself. If you didn’t do well in high school, you can still be successful in College! The two are not nearly the same. If you have the motivation and discipline to commit time and effort to your education, or anything for that matter, you can absolutely accomplish it. Do not be discouraged from trying!

Congrats again Michael on your acceptance to University of Arizona! 


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