Jeff Skeen – From US Marine Motor Vehicle Operator to Brown University!

Tell us about yourself, Jeff!

Hometown: Blue Eye, Missouri

What is your anticipated school and intended major?  Contemplative Studies & Neuroscience at Brown University, Class of 2026

Fun Fact About Yourself:  Once took an impromptu road trip and travelled 7500 miles.

What did you do in the military: 3531 – Motor Vehicle Operator

What was your proudest accomplishment in the military?  Earning a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for filling in as Operations Chief.

What was the biggest benefit to using Service to School throughout the application process? My ambassador from S2S was very helpful as I initially began. He provided many important insights and templates for helping me stay organized and focus in on the schools which best aligned with my goals.

How has the transition been from the military to civilian life? For the most part, it’s gone pretty well. There’s plenty of support for veterans out there if you’re willing to look.

What’s your favorite part about the school you chose to matriculate at? I’m most excited to start the great curriculum at the university and get to know my professors. My favorite aspect of Brown at the moment is probably their open curriculum, which allows a unique latitude to study all those subjects I’m most interested in without being narrowly confined to a particular major and its requirements.

Why did you decide to pursue this education path? I’ve always loved to learn so returning to college was a no-brainer for me. Studying at Brown will allow me to fully invest in my academic pursuits.

What are your goals post-graduation? Once I finish my bachelors I intend to apply for grad school.

Jeff’s advice for veterans who are applying to college

Perhaps the most important advice I can share is to first and foremost not undersell yourself or what you’re capable of doing, regardless of your backstory. Use your unique experiences and distill them into a meaningful narrative that captures who you are and what you’d like to accomplish and why the particular institution you’re interested in aligns with those goals.

Peer-to-peer mentorship been absolutely vital. Hearing other veterans talk about their experiences and providing insights about the sorts of things they encountered on their own journey is really invaluable. It’s reassuring and refreshing to know folks from very similar walks of life have achieved great things and getting that encouragement has helped propel me on my own journey.

Congrats again Jeff on your acceptance to Brown University!


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