Lazaro Curry- From a Navy Hospital Corpsman to Yale!

Full Name: Lazaro Curry

Anticipated graduation year? 2022

Hometown:Detroit, MI

Fun Fact About Yourself:I love teaching myself languages

Intended Major: History of Science, Medicine, & Public Health (Premed)

What did you do in the military? Hospital Corpsman

What was your proudest accomplishment in the military? Being the first enlisted to join the United Nations in a peacekeeping mission (MINUSMA)

How did you hear about S2S? A Navy mentor

What was the best part of S2S for you? Alexandra was beyond efficient and put me in contact with people from each of my prospective schools, and Joe, my ambassador, really knew his craft. We face-timed and went over my essays. He gave me the best questions to ask during interviews. They were there for me each step of the way and I really felt like I was in good hands. I really had the dream team

Why did you decide to pursue college? As a foster kid, possibilities did not seem endless. I knew from an early age that education would be my way to increase my opportunities and to be better than my circumstances.

How has the transition been from the military to civilian life? I leave active duty this July. It has been nail-biting agony waiting for college acceptance decisions. Now, I have my school, my living situation in order, and a great support system. I’m definitely leaving the military with a lot more than I came in with and it has made my transition almost stress free.

What are you most excited about in regard to starting college/the school you are going to attend? I decided to go to Yale. I’m most excited about opportunities to study abroad. I would love to do a summer in Paris and take humanities classes in French. I’m also really excited about having a traditional schedule and not having to take night classes. I want to participate in extracurricular activities, and really get the college experience at one of the best schools in the world.

What advice would you give to future applicants? Be proactive. Communicate what you want with your S2S team and don’t be afraid to tell them if you’re not getting what you need. Do not be afraid to lean on them. Don’t try to figure out a bunch of volunteer work. Stick to one or two things that have meaning for you and really show your commitment to them. It’s not like the military where the more collateral or volunteer gets you the gold. Lastly, pass it on. Tell all of your peers about service to school. Don’t keep this to yourself.

What are your goals post-graduation? Medical School


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