Quinn Ewanchyna - Soaring From An Infantryman to Harvard College

Tell us about yourself, Quinn!

Hometown: Corvallis, Oregon

What is your anticipated school and intended major? At Harvard, I plan to concentrate in government with a secondary in economics.

Fun Fact About Yourself: In my free time, I enjoy cooking new foods from various cultures around the world.

What did you do in the military? I served as a 11B Infantryman, where I spent the majority of my service in a weapons squad as an M240 machine gunner.

What was your proudest accomplishment in the military? My proudest accomplishment during my military service was becoming a team leader, where I had the opportunity to directly impact and change the personal lives of soldiers for the better. Aside from military tactics, I specifically focused on teaching the fundamentals of personal finance, investing, and more. Success begins with readiness both on and off the battlefield.

What was the biggest benefit to using Service to School throughout the application process? Service to School's Virtual College Fair gave me the opportunity to speak directly with admissions officers and students from top-tier institutions, which bridged the gap towards crafting a successful application that not only highlighted my military experiences, but also who I am as an individual.

What are you most excited about in regards to starting school? What’s your favorite part about the school you chose to matriculate at? The opportunity to walk through the world-renowned Harvard Yard, a piece of history which many of my personal heroes and idols have walked through, is simply awe-inspiring. Additionally, I am most excited to be fully immersed in a culture that encompasses many of the world's brightest and most diverse minds. The opportunity to share my experiences in the military with these individuals, while simultaneously learning from others and their experiences provides immeasurable personal growth and opportunity.

Why did you decide to choose this path of education? To me, economics serves as the underlying basis for everything that occurs within our world. Paired with the realm of government, my educational path would allow me to continue my service to others after wearing the uniform by implementing sustainable and equitable economic policy change within our society.

How has the transition been from military to civilian life? The transition from the military to civilian life poses its challenges in a variety of ways. However, it is essential to remember that you are a Soldier; Marine; Airman; or Sailor for the rest of your life. Harness the systematic and structured habits the military instilled within you, and exemplify this through everything you do in the civilian world and beyond.

What are your goals post-graduation? After graduation, I hope to work in corporate finance where I will have the opportunity to further expand my understanding of capital structuring and its correlation with the American economy. Eventually, I hope to transfer these skillsets to the fields of government and politics, where I can implement equity-focused economic policies and change firsthand.

Quinn's advice for veterans who are applying to college

The most important piece of advice I would give to future veteran applicants is to remember that you are a Soldier, Marine, Airman, or Sailor for the rest of your life. Harness the systematic and structured habits the military instilled within you, and exemplify this through everything you do in your educational endeavors. Understand that top-tier institutions value the skillsets veterans hold, and know that your dreams can become a reality simply through applying.

Peer-to-peer mentorship was an imperative component in my journey to higher education. I was consistently reminded that the skillsets I possessed due to the military were unique and inimitable, which gave me the confidence to apply to institutions I previously thought to be unattainable and simply just a dream. Peer-to-peer mentorship creates the leaders of tomorrow.


Congrats again Quinn on your acceptance to Harvard College!



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