Jensen Cheong

Jensen is a former active-duty Air Force Captain with over seven years of experience as an Air Battle Manager. He has deployed three times in support of national objectives in the Middle East and in response to the Ukrainian Crisis in Eastern Europe. Jensen is also an avid language enthusiast, and he has represented the Air Force globally in an official capacity due to his unique language abilities. He was commissioned into the Air Force from ROTC at Cornell University. He subsequently completed his graduate education in global affairs at the University of Oklahoma. He is a proud volunteer for Veterans seeking assistance in the college admissions process.


Jensen’s Veteran applicant shared some inspiring words on the impacts of his mentorship: “Jensen's help was truly invaluable in my success. It is hard to articulate the amount of gratitude I have for the countless hours he contributed to revising my essays, revising my resume, conducting interview prep, and much more. He also provided critical information on the logistics of the admissions process. He walked me through certain paperwork I would have to turn in, when I could expect to hear from colleges, the differences between a safety school and dream school, etc. I can genuinely say that without his help I would not have achieved my success in this process. He often says that it is my success is mine alone as I was the one that put in the work. Without his feedback and contributions, however, there would have been no way for me to successfully articulate the work I had done into well-rounded, full-context essays. In total, I wrote just shy of 20 essays. Jensen went through at least 3 revisions on each of my essays with me. He also spent at least 5 hours on my interview preparations before my Yale interview (which I am confident was the strongest part of my application). When I signed up for S2S I was not sure what to expect in terms of help, but I can confidently say I did not imagine that level of assistance. Even typing this out and thinking about the sheer amount of time Jensen contributed towards my success I find myself absolutely humbled. I am endlessly grateful for this organization and for Jensen.” – Johnathon Tesmer, Yale University, Fall 2023

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